Healthy Body

Stay well for the life you want to live
Regular exercise improves our overall health, enhances our sense of wellbeing, and can also help to extend our life.
Exercise is the cornerstone of health. It helps us to feel good in our own skin, but also helps us to stay independent for longer in older age and reduces the risk of chronic disease.
For many of us as we get older, we spend too much time sitting down, but by finding simple ways to move more, we can reduce the risk of many common conditions, in particular heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia, and some types of cancer.
Happy Mind
Taking care of your mental wellbeing
Our mental wellbeing is essential to living a healthy and happy life. What’s more, taking care of our mind can help us to manage stress, improve feelings of happiness and may even delay the process of ageing.
Looking after our mind and emotions can help us to feel more positive and get the most from life, whatever our age.
How we feel mentally and emotionally can affect how we think, feel, and behave. In fact, our mental wellbeing is just as important as our physical health, particularly as we get older.

Eat well

Eat well to live well
A healthy, balanced diet is essential for good health. It helps you to feel good and protects us from certain diseases.
Good nutrition is important, no matter what your age.
As we get older, maintaining a healthy diet can help to keep our mind sharp, protect us from illness and give us the energy we need to keep doing the things we love.
Healthy eating helps us to feel good from the inside out, giving us more energy and boosting our mood and self-esteem. The great news is that when paired with regular weight-bearing exercise, such as simply walking or lifting shopping, a good diet can contribute to greater independence for longer as we get older.
Stay Social
Feel connected with others
Spending time with others is one of the most important aspects of staying healthy in retirement. There are significant mental and physical benefits to socialising with like-minded people.
The company of others keeps us young at heart and mentally sharp. It makes us feel good and improves our mood but as we get older, it can also help to lower our risk of dementia.
As we get older, we often spend more time in our home and local community, so this primal need can have a far greater impact on our quality of life. Shared experiences and social interaction with others can help to make us feel good and ward off depression but getting involved with social activities can also help us to stay mentally sharper for longer

Feel Inspired

Inspiration to live better
Living well should be exciting and rewarding. Here, you'll discover our most inspiring articles to empower you along the way.
Most of us want to live as long as possible as well as possible. That’s why we’ve created a wellness hub offering a wealth of information, advice, and inspiration to help you stay well for the life you want to live.
From eating well and staying active to maintaining a healthy social life, our wellness hub is packed with advice, ideas, and support to help you to feel fulfilled and happy in later life.
Optimal Ageing
Live longer better with Sir Muir Gray
Brio Retirement Living is supporting British physician, Sir Muir Gray in his effort to change how we all approach wellbeing in later life.
Sir Muir Gray is one of Britain’s leading public health doctors and is an internationally renowned authority on healthcare systems worldwide.
Alongside his successful career in public health, Muir is passionate about ageing and how to embrace it with positivity that leads to a longer, healthier existence.
Sir Muir has developed a course, Living Longer Better, based on extensive experience in public health and a passion for changing the way we look at the process of ageing.